Health and Income Equity
A. Overviews, reviews
Davey Smith G, Egger M. Commentary: understanding it all - health, meta-theories, and mortality trends. British Medical Journal 1996; 313: 1584-5

This paper discusses various perspectives on the big picture of population health. It looks at life style factors, which appear to be less important than previously thought, and suggests that inequality is a major factor. Perhaps its most useful contribution is a graph showing the association between life expectancy in 1991-3 in countries of eastern Europe with the Gini coefficient measure of income distribution. The very high correlation found there among these countries in post-transition eastern Europe suggests that the income equality health relationship is present even when economies are drastically changing. Such natural experiments lend strong support for its causal nature.

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  • behavioral factors 
  • cause specific mortality
  • civic society
  • communist countries
  • community
  • cortisol
  • crime
  • Eastern Europe
  • ecological studies
  • economic growth
  • genetic influences
  • Gini coefficient
  • gross national product
  • health inequalities
  • heart disease
  • hierarchy
  • income
  • income distribution
  • income inequality
  • inequality
  • infant mortality
  • international
  • life expectancy
  • medical care
  • mortality
  • population health
  • poverty
  • psychosocial factors
  • social class
  • social networks
  • social stratification
  • socioeconomic status
  • stress
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