Health and Income Equity
B. International Comparisons

Wilkinson RG. Research note: German income distribution and infant mortality. Sociology of Health and Illness 1994; 16: 260-2

The author suggests a reason for Wennemo's paper above, while looking at infant mortality and income distribution, questioning that position of Germany which appeared as an outlier, The original data for Germany was thought by the Luxembourg Income Study which presented it, to be corrupted, and changed. Another source for the Luxembourg Income Study data shows the original German figures fit reasonably well. He argues that where data are lacking one might suggest life expectancy be used as a proxy for income distribution, or infant mortality for relative poverty.


  • Eastern Europe
  • gross national product
  • income
  • income distribution
  • income inequality
  • inequality
  • infant mortality
  • international
  • life expectancy
  • mortality
  • population health
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