Tools for Text Entry Evaluators

In developing EdgeWrite, tools were necessary for performing rigorous text entry evaluations with human subjects. We wrote TextTest for conducting text entry experiments and logging data. We wrote StreamAnalyzer for parsing and analyzing that data, and making it easy to paste into Microsoft Excel or a statistics package like SAS JMP or IBM SPSS.

Both TextTest and StreamAnalyzer have since been incorporated into the latest version of TextTest. TextTest has also been given its own project page.

If you use TextTest in your own project, please cite it as:

Wobbrock, J.O. and Myers, B.A. (2006). Analyzing the input stream for character-level errors in unconstrained text entry evaluations. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 13 (4), December 2006, pp. 458-489. DOI: 10.1145/1188816.1188819


Key Publications: TOCHI'06
Language: C#
Requirements: Text input method, .NET 4.6.1 Framework (or later).

To download, visit the TextTest project page.