Stylus EdgeWrite

Stylus EdgeWrite

Stylus EdgeWrite for Palm OS replaces Graffiti to provide a more accessible text entry alternative. It has been extensively tested with people who have Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson's, and spinal cord injuries, and has been found to be much more accurate than built-in methods.

Making a Character

To make a character, a user places the stylus down inside the square hole of the template, moves the stylus along the edges and diagonals of the square in a pattern similar to how one would write the letter on paper, and then lifts upon completion. The edges and corners provide physical stability as the stylus moves.

Plastic Template

Stylus EdgeWrite on the Palm OS relies on a plastic template to provide physical stability to the stylus as it moves. Templates can be taped onto the Palm device very easily. Templates are cut from vector drawings on a laser cutter. Contact us if you need a specific template. [Palm Tungsten E example]

In-stroke Word Completion

Unlike conventional word completion, which shows words in a list and often slows people down, EdgeWrite's word completions can be accessed as part of the letter strokes, making it faster to use. The same words are always shown in the same positions for a given letter stroke, so over time, you can stroke words without looking—purely by feel. Also, letter strokes remain unchanged from previous versions of EdgeWrite, so selecting words is entirely optional. (The file that supports in-stroke word completion is included in the downloads below.) [Paper]



Key Publications: UIST'03, UIST'06
Language: C, Palm OS API
Requirements: Palm OS device 3.5–5.x

Download version 3.0.1  (Palm OS 3.5-4.x)
Download version 3.0.1  (Palm OS 5.0+ with silkscreen input area)
Download version 3.0.1  (Palm OS 5.0+ with dynamic input area)

View the EdgeWrite QuickStart Guide.