Fisheries Oceanography - Winter 2017

Fisheries Oceanography investigates how the environment influences the distributions and abundances of marine vertebrate and invertebrate species. Results of fisheries oceanographic studies are used to increase understanding of fish and zooplankton life histories, predict recruitment to commercially harvested populations, reduce uncertainty in resource management decisions, and to decouple anthropogenic from natural effects on aquatic populations. This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of fisheries oceanography and enable the understanding of fish and zooplankton life histories, to identify physical factors influencing survival and recruitment, to interpret indices used to predict recruitment, and to critically evaluate scientific literature.

Lecture: FSH 213
M, W, F 09:30-10:20

Weds. 14:30-16:20 Rm. FSH 213


 Dr. John Horne


 FSH 322a



SAFS Course Policies

Information regarding policies on academic honesty, disability accomodations, and field trip liability can be found here.

Fisheries Acoustics Research Lab

FISH 437