The pronunciation category is comprised of labels that are specifically about how people pronounce things. Some labels are broad such as “Different pronunciation slight accent” or “Eastern word pronunciation” while others are more specific: “they say their “e” like “i” Ex. Winatchee” or “put a “r” in their words Ex. Warshington”. This range of types of labels reflects the ability of non-linguists to provide “global” and “specific” details about language as described by Niedzielski and Preston (2003:23). The map shows that the areas most frequently labeled with a pronunciation label are in eastern WA. Because the majority of the labels in this category signal deviation form a standard pronunciation, this category and it’s clear association with eastern WA demonstrate that eastern WA is salient for being non-standard. Bellingham was indicated several times with a label from the pronunciation category, however, no clear pattern emerged from the set of labels given by respondents.
