The Global Health Data Toolkit (GHDT) working group aims to create a high-quality, detailed repository of data collection tools for health research. Data collection tools, both paper and paper and electronic versions, are critical components of data capture and well-constructed tools improve the quality, consistency, and comparability of data available for analyses. The GHDT working group has developed a set of data collection tools with defined topic areas that are publicly available to investigators. Tools have been vetted by researchers, who have reviewed previously used questions and forms, and made modifications and additions to improve breadth and depth of questions, question clarity, and comprehensiveness of responses.
GHDT strives to accelerate research progress by giving study investigators data collection tools and databases that can serve as a template to jump start development efforts, but can easily be modified and customized to suit individual research projects with additions and deletions. Furthermore, the common design of instruments and tools will also enable easier linkage between independent datasets, expanding utility of research data. The GHDT team has reviewed selected topical areas and created a bank of questions and responses. Some tools have accompanying data dictionaries and tools for electronic data collection with REDCap and/or Open Data Kit (ODK). While tools were initially designed for low-resource settings, many tools have wider applicability and may also be used for research conducted anywhere in the world. GHDT is continually adapting existing data collection forms and developing new forms. Therefore, the accompanying data dictionary, ODK and RedCap versions of these tools will be released as they are available.
To access our tools click here. Documents and tools posted on the GHDT website may periodically be updated. Please check the version and date of any document or tool used to see if there are updates to materials, and register to receive updates.
Please see the Global Health Data Toolkit team’s comparison of electronic data capture tools for research data below.
Objective: We developed this comparison table which features digital health technologies commonly used for electronic data capture to support researchers in making decisions about which tool is best suited for their project.
Rationale: Researchers have unique needs for data capture that are dependent on a variety of factors, including the context and setting where data collection takes place, logistical constraints, and study specific needs. Making decisions about which platform to use is complex, with diverse needs for different functions and features, and can require familiarity with aspects of each platform.
Methods: Three individuals with experience and expertise using different digital tools assessed each technologies across a variety of attributes important to consider when selecting a technology for data collection. Digital tools included: Open Data Kit (ODK), Kobo ToolBox, REDCap (mobile version), REDCap (online version), WhatsApp, Telegram, and an example of a custom-built platform (Mobile WACh). We developed a key, color coded (green=good, yellow=moderate, red=poor) to classify each attribute with a description specific to the coding for that attribute, then applied this key to assign classifications for each technology. Next, we met with three additional experts to review and revise definitions and classifications.”
If your research has benefitted from these tools, please acknowledge CFAR in your publications and presentations using grant number P30 AI027757.
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