

Online History Journal

Editorial Staff

Steven Beda
Department of History
20th century labor and gender, US West.

Scott Brown
Department of History
East-Central Europe, Slovak Nationalism, 1960s

Katharine Chapman
Department of History
Ancient Greece and Rome

Robert Cruickshank - Web Editor
Department of History
Twentieth Century United States, Urban History, Race and Politics

Laura Erickson
Department of History
High and Late Medieval Europe - focus on Gender, Chivalry, Warfare and Dissent

Rebecca Hughes
Department of History
19th and 20th Century Britain; Colonialism, Race, Religion

Daren Salter - Editor in Chief
Department of History
Twentieth Century United States; Race, Labor and Popular Culture

Prof. Susan Glenn - Faculty Advisor
Department of History

  • If you are a University of Washington graduate student and are interested in joining our editorial staff or serving as a reader please contact Istoria at glchist@u.washington.edu. We encourage editors from outside of the History department.

Submission Information and Procedure

Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting your work to Istoria:

1)      Submit ONE electronic copy of your paper and abstract as an MS Word attachment to dmsalter@u.washington.edu, subject heading:  Istoria. (Note:  Historiographic essays and book reviews do not require an abstract).

2)      Enclose TWO hardcopies of your paper and abstract in a sealed envelope marked "Istoria" and place in the Graduate Liaison Committee (GLC) mailbox in Smith Hall room 320. If you are from outside the History department and do not have access to room 320 the department staff in room 315 can assist you.

3)      All submissions must have a detachable cover page containing the following information:  Title of the work, author's name, author's email address and telephone number, and author's department of affiliation. Please include a title on the paper as well as on the cover page but do NOT include your name or contact information anywhere on the article, essay, or review itself.

4)      Abstracts may not exceed 250 words in length. Papers may not exceed 35 typed, double-spaced pages, exclusive of citations and notes.

5)      All submissions must be typed and double-spaced and employ standard font, size, and margins.

6)      All submissions must be the author's original work and contain full citations in accordance with the Chicago Manuel of Style, 15th Edition. Either endnotes or footnotes are acceptable.

7)      The editors reserve the right to remove submissions from consideration if they do not conform to the above guidelines.

8)      All materials must be received on or before April 18, 2008

  • Istoria is a peer-reviewed publication. Submissions will be read by at least two members of the editorial staff and/or outside readers. Every effort will be made to match submissions with those readers most familiar with the subject matter and scholarly debates surrounding the topic. Readers will then make one of the following three recommendations to the editorial board:  1) accept; 2) revise and resubmit; 3) reject. Those papers accepted upon condition of revision will be returned to the author, whereupon the author will have a mutually agreed upon timeframe to make the requested changes.
Please direct any inquires regarding Istoria, our submission procedure, or editorial policy to dmsalter@u.washington.edu
GLC Home Page
UW History Department