
Graduate Student Liaison Committee

Department of History

Calendar of GLC Events

Some dates may change, be sure to check back often!

Spring Quarter

May 11-16--Vote for your favorite GLC Wannabee's! (This is an order.)

May 11--GLC 2007-2008 Candidates' Statements Due

May 23
--Brownbag: "Endnote Teach-In." 12-1, Location TBD. Contact Alex Morrow for more info.

May 18--Election Winners Announced at Happy Hour.

May 18--Happy Hour, 4:00, Ivar's Salmon House, 401 NE Northlake Way, 98105.


Welcome to the GLC Homepage where, as long as fatigue doesn't set in, you will be able to find announcements of upcoming events and meetings, copies of colloquium papers, and who knows what else.

GLC Elections

As we approach the end of another academic year it is time to think about who you would like to nominate for next year's Graduate Liaison Committee (GLC).

GLC representatives play an important role in the affairs of the history department. Each quarter, representatives attend history department faculty meetings to provide graduate student presence and input, organizes meetings for graduate students, put together brown bag sessions, and plans our social activities. They also gather and present graduate student concerns and needs to history department staff and faculty on an as-needed basis. The GLC was reconstituted in 1998, and since then has served and, we hope, will continue to serve the critical role of giving graduate students a voice in the affairs of our department.

GLC representatives are chosen to serve in one of three positions: MA or PhD student (pre-candidate), PhD candidate, and student employee. Anyone running for the PhD candidate position must have achieved candidacy prior to taking office.

At this time we would like to open up the nomination process for next year's GLC. People can nominate themselves or others to serve on the GLC. There are no term limits for the GLC - current members, as well as previous members, are eligible to be nominated to serve on the GLC again. Nominations should be sent to glchist@u.washington.edu.

The nomination period will run until Friday, May 4. After that, we will ask that those who have accepted a nomination to choose which of the positions for which they are eligible they wish to run in, and then submit a statement about themselves and what they would like to accomplish as GLC representatives. We will send these statements out by Friday, May 11. All candidate statements will be released simultaneously. Finally, we will hold an election where all graduate students will vote for a candidate for each of the three positions. The election will run from May 11 to May 16 with the new GLC members announced at the Happy Hour scheduled for Friday, May 18, at Ivar's Salmon House.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Hope the quarter is treating you all well!


Click here to download a copy of the GLC Charter.
(Posted April 23, 2007)

Submissions are now being taken for the History Department's graduate student journal, Istoria.

Contact the GLC

Questions? Comments? Send them to:


GLC Members

Chris Herbert—chrisherbert18@hotmail.com

Daren Salter—dmsalter@u.washington.edu

Tim Wright—wrighttm@u.washington.edu

GLC Subcommittees

Brown Bag—Daren Salter, chair
Alex Morrow
Jon Olivera
Andrew Stone

Colloquia Committee—Tim Wright, chair

Juned Shaikh
Amanda Swain
Mira Green
Syd Lindsley

Grad Conference Committee—Chris Herbert, chair

Stephen Crimmins
Laura Erickson
Jason Shattuck
Mira Green

Grad Recruit Committee—chair TBD

Jon Olivera
Jeongwon Hyun
Yantra Bertelli
*still open for volunteers

Journal Committee Daren Salter , chair

Robert Cruickshank
Steve Beda
Scott Brown
Katharine Chapman
Becky Hughes
Laura Erickson

Social Committee—Chris Herbert , chair

Robert Cruickshank
Laura Erickson
Teresa Frizell
Wendi Willeford

Other appointments:


Nathan Roberts
Jeongwon Hyun

Graduate Board

Teresa Frizell

Long-Range Planning Committee

Michael Quinn

2006-2007 Faculty Search Committees:

Japan Search
Alex Morrow

Korea Search
Joshua Van Lieu

Russia Search
Scott Brown