This site is designed to assist personnel at WWAMI clinical clerkship sites who've been given the job of figuring out the business end of the clerkship program. I hear there's funding for my clinic, you say to yourself, but I have no idea how to get it or who to ask about it. And someone said something about setting up housing for the students? What does that mean to me?

Becoming part of the University of Washington School of Medicine's WWAMI clinical education program can be overwhelming if you are not used to interacting with a large bureaucracy or a state government entity. But most of the steps you'll have to take will only have to be taken once, and they've all been successfully taken by 160+ clinical clerkship sites before you. Don't panic!

(If you don't want to read the detailed background information about the WWAMI clinical education program, you can jump directly to the Quick-Start Guide here)

Some Background
The term "clinical clerkship site" is used here to mean a clinical location that provides clinical learning experiences and facilities for School of Medicine’s students who are enrolled in its medical education program and who are participating in the required third year clerkship rotations in Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynecology, or Surgery; and/or the required fourth year clerkship rotations in Neurology, Chronic Care or Emergency Medicine.

Clinical clerkship sites are provided an administrative fee to help offset costs associated with administrative overhead, potential decrease in patient volume, and expenses related to the education of the student such as text books, pagers, and computer supplies. The site may utilize the funds in any manner that supports the costs associated with hosting a medical student. The funds are considered by the state as reimbursement of education expenses, not salaries and therefore, there will be no income tax liability connected with the funds.

Clinical clerkship sites that provide medical student housing are reimbursed for actual costs of lodging students. Each such site arranges and maintains furnished housing for medical students. Housing costs may include expenses beyond rent, such as utilities, phone, internet /DSL service, cleaning of housing between student rotations, and upkeep, etc. Provided housing should be similar to what students could expect to receive if they stayed in the dorms on a college campus, offering adequate connectivity and privacy to study and sleep and should be clean. Household items should be of Target or Walmart quality.

There are two major items connected with becoming a WWAMI Clinical clerkship site that are handled through the School of Medicine's ofice of Academic Affairs: affiliation agreements and clerkship funding. Someone at your clinical site must take action regarding each of these items.


(You can refer to the detailed information below, or you can jump to the Quick-Start Guide here)

The University of Washington School of Medicine enters into affiliation agreements to meet the accreditation standards set by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME). The pertinent text of LCME Standard ER-9, covering affiliation agreements, is as follows:

There must be written and signed affiliation agreements between the medical school and its clinical affiliates that define, at a minimum, the responsibilities of each party related to the educational program for medical students.
Written agreements are necessary with hospitals that are used regularly as inpatient sites for core clinical clerkships. Additionally, affiliation agreements may be warranted with other clinical sites that have a significant role in the clinical education program.
The School of Medicine interprets both “core clinical clerkships” and “a significant role in the clinical education program” to mean those clinical experiences that are graduation requirements for our students.

An affiliation agreement defines the relationships and respective roles between the School of Medicine, the clinical clerkship site or medical institution and the student. The student’s presence within a hospital or medical institution requires that medical education guidelines are followed and student documentation is present. The affiliation agreement governs the student’s activities and dictates that those actions must be consistent with clinical clerkship site bylaws and medical staff rules & regulations. Before any student clinical rotations can begin, there must be an affiliation agreement exectuted between the clinical clerkship site and the School of Medicine.


(You can refer to the detailed information below, or you can jump to the Quick-Start Guide here)

The University of Washington is an entity of the State of Washington, and as such is required to follow Washington State policies regarding payment of funds. Clinical clerkship sites have the status of sub-contractors relative to the School of Medicine. What does that mean to you? It means that the only way the School of Medicine can give the clerkship funding to you is for your site to invoice the University of Washington. Without an invoice from you, we can't give you any money.

Before we can write you a check, the State of Washington requires that you jump through a few official hoops:
1. Register as a vendor with the State of Washington
(You can read a step-by-step guide to filling out the registration form here.)
2. Register to receive electronic payment from the University
3. Receive a Purchase Order from the University of Washington

Once you have the Purchase Order from us, you can

4. Invoice the University of Washington, referencing your Purchase Order number, and then
5. Receive payment!
These may seem like a lot of steps, but because all payments for the University of Washington are processed by our central Purchasing Office, and because the Purchasing Office pays tens of thousands of invoices each year and has no idea who or what our clinical clerkship sites are, they must follow their procedures for due diligence and assure that they're paying only invoices they are supposed to pay. Which means that your invoices must contain the following:
1. Your business name and address, which must match the name and address on file with the UW Purchasing Office. This is the name and address you used when you registered as a vendor with the State of Washington. If your business/billing name or address changes, you will need to fill out the vendor registration form again to allow us to update our files and pay your invoice.

2. The Purchase Order number you'll receive from us. The Purchase Order will be tied to the name/address on file that you have given us when you registered as a vendor.
Your invoice, the Washington State vendor file, and the Purchase Order information all must match or the Purchasing Office will not pay the invoice, and you will not get your clerkship funding. This is the only way the UW has of assuring that funds are being paid out correctly.

  • What are the components of a clinical clerkship budget?
  • How much is the administrative fee?
  • How is the housing funding determined?
  • How is the travel funding determined?
  • What are "other" funds?
  • What can we use the money for?
  • Do clinical clerkship sites pay for student travel costs?
  • How long does it take to get the funds once I invoice?
  • Can the School of Medicine provide a sample invoice?
  • Can the School of Medicine arrange and pay directly for student housing? Why do I have to do that?
  • What happens if the rent or the utility costs go up for the student lodging?
  • I want to take one of the clerkship students to a conference. Will the School of Medicine pay for that?
  • Why is there no funding available for clinical elective rotations?
  • Who do I contact if I have more questions or if there's a problem?

Contact Scott Bailey at:
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