Teaching and Learning in Higher Education


GRDSCH 630: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Winter 2009

This course will be a discussion of issues and topics related to developing as a teacher in higher education settings. Class sessions will revolve around the development of a teaching portfolio, exploration of tools and resources for teaching, and current issues faced by people who teach at colleges and universities.

This page identifies the course meeting time and place, instructor contact information, text book, course goals, and requirements to receive credit. To view the schedule of class meetings, see the Schedule of Classes.


Time and Place

Wednesdays, 1:30-3:20 p.m., Chem Library 021


Wayne Jacobson, Interim Director
Center for Instructional Development and Research

Office: 100 Gerberding Hall
Phone: 206-543-0699

Jessica Yellin, Senior Consultant
Center for Instructional Development and Research

Office: 100 Gerberding Hall
Phone: 206-543-2957


Course Goals

This course is designed for graduate students who are interested in becoming college or university professors. The central focus of the course is on teaching and learning. Readings and discussions for this course will address

  • planning and teaching classes in ways that promote and assess student learning

  • assessing your own teaching and planning for future development as a teacher

  • developing a teaching portfolio as a means to reflect on and document your work as a teacher, both for your own future reference and for the purpose of communicating it to others



This course is 2 credits, graded on a Credit / No Credit basis. To receive Credit, complete assignments and participate in class sessions.



Each time this course is offered, we try to improve it based on feedback we have received from students. Look here to see what some of them have said.


Course Information | Schedule | Assignments | Resources | Graduate School | CIDR | UW Home
Center for Instructional Development and Research
100 Gerberding Hall, Box 351265
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-1265

206.543.6588 (phone)
206.685.1213 (fax)