References List

The references from each of the theme pages are repeated here, sorted by theme, and then by author last name. This list provides another way to access the science and evidence of health and well-being benefits provided by urban greening.




Social Strengths

Alaimo, K, TM Reischl, and JO Allen. 2010. Community Gardening, Neighborhood Meetings, and Social Capital. Journal of Community Psychology 38, 4:497-514.

Aneshenel, CS, and CA Sucoff. 1996. The Neighborhood Context of Adolescent Mental Health. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 37:293-310.

Armstrong, D. 2000. A Survey of Community Gardens in Upstate New York: Implications for Health Promotion and Community Development. Health and Place 6, 4:319-27.

Bellair, PS. 1997. Social Interaction and Community Crime: Examining the Importance of Neighbor Networks. Criminology 35:677-704.

Bicho, AN. 1996. The Simple Power of Multicultural Community Gardening. Community Greening Review 6:2-11.

Blair, D, CC Giesecke, and S Sherman. 1991. A Dietary, Social and Economic Evaluation of the Philadelphia Urban Gardening Project. Journal of Nutrition Education 23,4:161-167.

Bolin, K, B Lindgren, M Lindström, and P Nystedt. 2003. Investments in Social Capital-Implications of Social Interactions for the Production of Health. Social Science & Medicine 56, 12:2379-90.

Brunson, L, FE Kuo, and WC Sullivan. Sowing the Seeds of Community: Greening and Gardening in Inner-City Neighborhoods. unpublished manuscript, University of Illinois.

Case, AC, and LF Katz. 1991. The Company You Keep: The Effects of Family and Neighborhood on Disadvantaged Youths. NBER Working Paper 3705, National Bureau of Economic Research.

Coleman, JS. 1988. Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. American Journal of Sociology 94, 1:95-120.

Coley, RL, FE Kuo, and WC Sullivan. 1997. Where Does Community Grow? The Social Context Created by Nature in Urban Public Housing. Environment and Behavior 29, 4:468-492.

Cubbin, C, S Egerter, P Braveman, and V Pedregon. 2008. Where We Live Matters for Our Health: Neighborhoods and Health. Issue Brief 3 of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Commission to Build a Healthier America, 11 pages.

Cutrona, CE, DW Russell, RM Hessling, PA Brown, and V Murry. 2000. Direct and Moderating Effects of Community Context on the Well-Being of African American Women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79, 6:1088-1101.

Dinnie, E, KM Brown, and S Morris. 2013. Community, Cooperation and Conflict: Negotiating the Social Well-being Benefits of Urban Greenspace Experiences. Landscape and Urban Planning 112:1-9.

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Glover, TD. 2004. Social Capital in the Lived Experiences of Community Gardeners. Leisure Sciences 26, 2:143-162.

Halpern, D. 1995. Mental Health and the Built Environment: More Than Bricks and Mortar? London: Taylor & Francis.

Hirschfield, A, and KJ Bowers. 1997. The Effect of Social Cohesion on Levels of Recorded Crime in Disadvantaged Areas. Urban Studies 34, 8:1275-1295.

Holtgrave, DR, and RA Crosby. 2003. Social Capital, Poverty, and Income Inequality As Predictors of Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Chlamydia and AIDS Case Rates in the United States. Sexually Transmitted Infections 79, 1:62-4.

Jamison, MS. 2005. The Joys of Gardening: Collectivist and Bureaucratic Cultures in Conflict. Sociological Quarterly 26, 4:473-490.

Kawachi, I, BP Kennedy, and R Glass. 1999. Social Capital and Self-Rated Health: A Contextual Analysis. American Journal of Public Health 89, 8:1187.

Kennedy, BP, and I Kawachi. 1998. The Role of Social Capital in the Russian Mortality Crisis. World Development 26, 11:2029-2043.

Khan, NA.1999. Community Cooperation in a Voluntary Environmental Project: Some Lessons from Swansea, Wales. Community Development Journal 34, 3:205–218.

Kim, J, and R Kaplan. 2004. Physical and Psychological Factors in Sense of Community: New Urbanist Kentlands and Nearby Orchard Village. Environment and Behavior 36, 3:313-340.

Kleinhans, R, H Priemus, and G Engbersen. 2007. Understanding Social Capital in Recently Restructured Urban Neighbourhoods: Two Case Studies in Rotterdam. Urban Studies 44, 5:1069-1091.

Krenichyn, K. 2004. Women and Physical Activity in An Urban Park: Enrichment and Support Through An Ethic of Care. Journal of Environmental Psychology 24, 1:117-130.

Kuo, FE, WC Sullivan, RL Coley, and L Brunson. 1998. Fertile Ground for Community: Inner-City Neighborhood Common Spaces. American Journal of Community Psychology 26, 6: 823-851.

Kurtz, H. 2002. Differentiating Multiple Meanings of Garden and Community. Urban Geography 22, 7:656-670.

Kweon, BS, WC Sullivan, and R Angel. 1998. Green Common Spaces and the Social Integration of Inner-City Older Adults. Environment and Behavior 30, 6:832-858.

Lee, GR. 1983. Integration and Fear of Crime Among Older Persons. Journal of Gerontology 38, 6:745-50.

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Pollack, CE, and O von dem Knesebeck. 2004. Social Capital and Health Among the Aged: Comparisons Between the United States and Germany. Health & Place 10, 4:383-391.

Potapchuk, WR, JP Crocker, and WH Schechter Jr. 1997. Building Community with Social Capital: Chits and Chums or Chats with Change. National Civic Review 86, 2:129-139.

Putnam, R. 2000. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Ross, CE, and SJ Jang. 2000. Neighborhood Disorder, Fear, and Mistrust: The Buffering Role of Social Ties With Neighbors. American Journal of Community Psychology 28:401-420.

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Sullivan,WC, FE Kuo, and S DePooter. 2004. The Fruit of Urban Nature: Vital Neighborhood Spaces. Environment and Behavior 36, 5:678-700.

Takano, T, K Nakamura, and M Watanabe. 2002. Urban Residential Environments and Senior Citizens’ Longevity in Megacity Areas: The Importance of Walkable Green Spaces. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 56, 12:913-16.

Taylor, AF, A Wiley, FE Kuo, and WC Sullivan. 1998. Growing Up in the Inner City. Environment and Behavior 30, 1:3-27.

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Local Economics

Ackerman, F., and L. Heinzerling. 2004. Assessing Natural Resources: Price vs. Value. Renewable Resources Journal 22, 3: 16-21.

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Crime and Fear

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