Husky Marching Band
75th Anniversary History Project
Alumni Database





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Thank you for your interest in the Husky Marching Band 75th Anniversary History Project. This web site was created to aid in developing a comprehensive and accurate listing of all past members of the University of Washington Husky Marching Band. The initial database was compiled from nearly 75 years of past Husky Marching Band membership rosters. There are, however, some missing years that we are enlisting your help in rebuilding.

If you were a past member of the Husky Marching Band, or know one, we encourage you to browse the current alumni database using the search feature at the left. Please verify the details and use the options included to update any incomplete or inaccurate information. Additionally, if you cannot locate a member in the database and know the year(s) they were a member, please select the Add New Record link to the left to include them in the database.

We do request that you provide your name and some brief contact information in order that we may verify or ask for clarification on any information you provide. This contact information will not be published or used for any other purpose.





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Last updated November 15, 2003