HSS 2000, Vancouver, B.C., 2-5 November

Secure Online Registration

Hotel Reservations

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Preliminary Program


About Vancouver

Exhibitor's Guide




Dear Exhibits Manager:

The History of Science Society announces two exciting opportunities for you to exhibit your titles this year: the fourth quadrennial British-North American History of Science Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri 3-6 August; and the HSS/PSA meeting in Vancouver BC 2-5 November (a joint meeting with the Philosophy of Science Association).

Due to numerous inquiries, we are offering the chance for presses to send titles, at the low cost of $15/title, for a combined exhibit at the joint meeting in St. Louis. This combined exhibit will be adjacent to the registration desk, will be staffed, and will feature high visibility with an international audience. Presses may also wish to send materials to be inserted into the delegate packets.

The 2000 annual meeting in Vancouver promises to be a special event. Vancouver was voted one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and we are planning for record attendance in British Columbia as historians and philosophers from around the world assemble for this important meeting.

Our members (professional historians, philosophers, and scientists; graduate students; archivists; librarians; and others) are all bibliophiles, who keep large libraries. If you have not exhibited with us in the past, there are several reasons why you should consider joining us in 2000:

  • We expect over 800 delegates for our HSS/PSA meeting in Vancouver, BC.
  • Historians and philosophers of science read widely in numerous fields.
  • Professors actively consider text adoptions when visiting the book exhibit.
  • The HSS/PSA meeting offers an intimate setting, not found at the larger conventions, for interviewing authors.

We have enclosed order forms for the book exhibits and for delegate packet insertions. We have also included insertion-order information for placing an advertisement in our meeting guide and/or our quarterly Newsletter. Discounts are available for multiple advertising orders.

Those of you who participated in last yearŐs HSS meeting in Pittsburgh, will notice that our fees have been raised slightly to accommodate increased security needs. This was done to insure the safeguarding of your materials. Upon receipt of your reservation, you will be sent registration forms for your attendees. (Registration is complimentary for exhibitors.) If you have any questions, or would like information on customs brokers in Canada, please do not hesitate to contact the Book Exhibit Manager (hssexec@u.washington.edu, (206) 543-9366 FAX: (206) 685-9544).

We look forward to seeing you in November!

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