HSS Endowment Drive

The year 2000 marked the final installment by the family of Joseph Hazen (The Hazen-Polsky Fund) of four annual $25,000.00 contributions to the History of Science Society. These funds will reside in the Society's endowment, with the proceeds earmarked to support the Society's Committee on Education, the Society's annual Hazen Prize, and other initiatives.

At the same time, the Hazen family has challenged members of the History of Science Society to match this generous contribution. Please consider making a contribution to HSS in support of this endowment drive. This is the first Society-wide endowment campaign since the late 1980's. Let us enter the new millenium with a boost to our endowment!

If you are interested in participating in this fund drive, please consider contributing in one of the following ways:

  • ELECTRONICALLY: By joining or renewing your HSS membership on-line, you have the option to simultaneously contribute to the endowment fund via your credit card. If this interests you, please click here.

  • BY MAIL: If convenient, you can send endowment contributions to the following address:

HSS Executive Office
Attention: Endowment
University of Washington, Box 351330
Seattle, WA 98195-1330

  • BY PHONE: We can take credit card donations by phone or fax at the following numbers:
    (All credit card transactions (VISA or MC only, sorry) require full name, full card #, and exp. date)

HSS Executive Office Phone: 206-543-9366

HSS Executive Office Fax: 206-685-9544