Upcoming Conferences: 2003

Meeting Announcements and Calls for Papers

2003 Meetings

Meeting listings are updated weekly. New listings are indicated by new.

John Wesley: Life, Legend, and Legacy: A Tercentenary Celebration
15 - 18 June, 2003, Manchester University, UNITED KINGDOM

Robert HookeTercentenary Conference
7-9 July, 2003, London, UNITED KINGDOM
Announcement, Call for Papers

new People and Events in Aeronomy, Geomagnetism, and Geophysics, (Session of the Assembly of the International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG)
August, 2003, Sapporo, JAPAN

The Quest for Knowledge: Lewis in Philadelphia,
(Bicentennial of the Lewis & Clark Expedition)
10 - 13 August, 2003, Philadelphia, PA
Announcement, Call for Papers


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