

Integrative Health Service

at the

University of Washington Medical Center








ihealth is the umbrella service for a variety of integrative health services at the University of Washington Medical Center.


For detailed information about the individual UWMC integrative health services, please go to their respective websites shown below:






Arts in Healing

















The Arts in Healing program at UWMC provides regularly scheduled hands-­on art experiences for patients and family members in group session, and individually at the bedside.

Open to all medical center patients and their families, Arts in Healing staff work with patients to assist with creative expression in a supportive, nonjudgmental and relaxing environment.

All necessary equipment, materials and instruction are provided free of charge.


For detailed information about the Arts in Healing program please click on the website link below:
















Bioenergy Treatment Service
















The Bioenergy Treatment Service at UWMC offers bioenergy treatments similar to Reiki and Therapeutic Touch to in-patients and out-patients, and their relatives, caregivers,

and friends, as well as to UWMC staff.

The Bioenergy Treatment Service does not offer bioenergy treatments to psychiatric inpatients or outpatients!      

The service is free of charge and non-denominational, and has no doctrine or dogma.

Making donations or selling goods of any kind is prohibited.


For detailed information about the Bioenergy Treatment Service please click on the website link below:











If you have further questions, please contact ihealth directly:



Email:  ihealth@uw.edu 



Mailing Address:

University of Washington Medical Center


P.O. Box 356144

1959 NE Pacific Street


Washington  98195-6144



Phone:  (206) 685-1117

Because ihealth is run by University of Washington employees doing their daily hospital work you may have to speak on an answering machine.

If you have to speak on an answering machine please follow these instructions:


If you are an inpatient, or call on behalf of an inpatient at the University of Washington Medical Center, please give the patient’s name, the patient’s hospital number (if you know it), the patient’s floor number and room number, and ihealth will contact the patient as soon as possible.


If you are not an inpatient at the University of Washington Medical Center, please give your contact information and ihealth will contact you as soon as possible. 


Please speak your message slowly and clearly!



Website:  http://depts.washington.edu/ihealth












Website last updated: September 24, 2019