Charles Laird (PI)

Charles is a Professor of Biology at the University of Washington, Associate Director for Fragile X Research in the University's Center on Human Development and Disability, and a faculty member in the Department of Genome Sciences. He received his BS from the University of Oregon, and his PhD from Stanford University. Charles was a faculty member at the University of Texas at Austin prior to joining the University of Washington in 1971. He has also taught or carried out research at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, the Zoology Institute of the University of Zurich, the Medical Research Council's Laboratory of Molecular Biology (Cambridge), The Plant Breeding Institute (Cambridgeshire), the Department of Genetics at Cambridge University, the Zoology Department at University of Bergen, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Most of his laboratory research interests are under Research; his field research activities include Restoration Ecology.

Diane Genereux (Postdoc)

Diane joined the Laird Lab as a postdoc in Fall 2005 after completing her Ph.D. with Carl Bergstrom at the University of Washington. In her graduate work, Diane used mathematical modeling to investigate lateral gene transfer, relatedness and antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Here in the Laird Lab, Diane is using a combination of molecular and mathematical techniques to investigate the evolution of epigenetic fidelity in eukaryotes, and the population structure of DNA methylation patterns in populations of somatic cells. Please visit Diane's website to read more about her research and publications.

Jamie Goodson (Research Scientist)

Jamie joined the Laird Lab upon receiving her BS from the University of Washington in 2011.

Minseung Choi (Research Scientist)

Minseung joined the Laird Lab in 2011.

Former Labmates

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