Help and Services

We hope U-Teach has helped you learn more about Canvas and other teaching tools available at UW. There are still lots of resources to help you build your course and explore technology.

UW Learning Technologies

Learning Technologies offers support 6 days a week. You can email, call, or stop by our office for a personal consultation. We can also visit your department or meeting to answer questions or provide training.

Contact Information

206-221-5000, option 3
OUGL (Odegaard Library) 230

Regular hours (Autumn – Spring):

Monday – Thursday:  9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m
Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
Sunday: noon to 7:00pm (phone calls only 7:00pm – 10:00pm)

Summer hours:

Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m


Learning Technologies offers free workshops (to current UW students, faculty and staff) in teaching tools such as Canvas and Lecture Capture, and in digital creation tools like HTML, CSS, Adobe InDesign, our Sound Studio, and several Digital Video Editing systems.

To register for a workshop, visit: https://itconnect.uw.edu/learn/workshops/

Odegaard Learning Commons

The OUGL Learning Commons is co-located with other services to provide students, staff, and faculty with a rich set of resources that enhance teaching and learning.

The Odegaard Learning Commons, with hundreds of workstations, provides access to learning technologies in the heart of the undergraduate library. The computing Help Desk and library reference service are a single point of service, providing “one-stop shopping.” A variety of technology studios are available throughout the Odegaard Learning Commons. The libraries also offer a limited number of computer accessories for check-out from students who bring their own devices.

Technology Help Desk and Computer Vet

The Technology Help Desk provides assistance with software available in the Learning Commons. Supported applications include  Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, and Apple Final Cut Pro, among many others.

The Computer Vet is a free, help-desk service offered to UW students, faculty, and staff to assist with software problems on personal computers including operating system updates, anti-virus installation and updates, P2P software removal and infected computers blocked from UW network access.  Visit the Computer Vet FAQ for more information.

Both services are located on the second floor of OUGL in the Odegaard Learning Commons.

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