
Assessment is integral to teaching, allowing you to determine how well you’re meeting your teaching goals and if your students are learning and retaining information. Canvas provides multiple tools for assessing student learning. The most commonly used are “Assignments” and “Discussions.”

Canvas also has an internal Quizzing tool. We provide a brief introduction but will not be covering the topic in depth. Contact help@uw.edu for more information.



  • Any items that you want to show up in the Canvas gradebook must be added as an assignment, quiz, or graded discussion, even if the assignment is turned in on paper or completed during class time.




While some systems require a separate tool to submit assignments, Canvas allows assignments to be automatically integrated into the course. Assignments can be submitted online, on paper, or designated as “no submission” (for oral exams, presentations, or participation). Assignments can be submitted individually, or set up as group assignments in conjunction with Student Groups. There are also options for peer reviews and plagiarism detection using VeriCite.

Note: Any items that you want to show up in the Canvas gradebook must be added as an assignment, quiz, or graded discussion, even if the assignment is turned in on paper or completed during class time.

Types of Online Assignments within Canvas include:

  • Text Entry
    • Students are given a version of the Rich Content Editor. It is not possible to limit word count/character count.
  • File Uploads
    • It is possible to restrict the file type
  • Media Recordings
    • Students will be able to record Video and/or Audio clips from their computer, or upload an existing Video/Audio clip.
  • Website URL
    • A screenshot of the website is taken at the time of submission, which will be visible to the instructor in SpeedGrader, as well as a link to the website.

How do I create an assignment?


How do I add or edit details in an assignment?



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The Discussions tool within Canvas provides an integrated system for you and your students to start and contribute to discussion topics. Discussions can also be created as an assignment for grading purposes and can be integrated with the Canvas Gradebook.

Some Ideas for Using Discussions:

  • Follow-up on a conversation or questions that began in a face-to-face classroom but may not have been fully fleshed out.
  • Test student understanding about a topic introduced in class.
  • Allow students to debate over ideas presented in class amongst themselves, while still in a supervised setting.
  • Use student input on the discussion boards to enhance and improve the effectiveness of class sessions.

How do I create a discussion? (Note the option for making a Discussion “Graded”)



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Canvas has a built-in tool for online quizzes and surveys. For more information about types of quizzes that you can create, visit the link below or stop by our office (OUGL 230) for a consultation.

What quiz types can I create in a course?



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