Selecting a Battery System


We need diiferent batteries so as to achieve optimal application-specific performance. As we know, each material exhibits a unique set of properties, specific to itself. In selecting the materials for a battery system we want to use materials that emphasize desirable properties, as pertains to the intended application. The major considerations in selecting a battery system are summarized below.

  • Battery Type: Primary, secondary,  reserve or fuel cell system.

  • Battery Voltage: Nominal or operating voltage, maximum/minimum voltage limits, discharge profile, voltage delay, start-up time.

  • Load Current & Profile: Constant current, constant resistance, or constant power; value of load current, constant or variable load current.

  • Duty Cycle: Continuous or intermittent, schedule if cycle is intermittent.

  • Temperature Requirements: Operational temperature range.

  • Service Life: Length of time over which operation is required.

  • Physical Requirements: Size, shape, weight limitations.

  • Shelf Life: Allowable storage time.

  • Charge-Discharge Cycle: Discharge profile and charging efficiency.

  • Environmental Conditions: Atmospheric conditions including pressure and humidity, shock, vibration, spin, acceleration environment compatibility.

  • Safety & Reliability: Permissible failure rates.

  • Maintenance: Ease of battery maintenance and replacement.

  • Cost: Initial and operating costs.

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