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Diagnostic Imaging Sciences Center

Grants and Financial Management

Submitting a New Grant

Investigators planning new grant submissions should consult with the Center Grants Administrators, Deedee Correia and Mary Roy, at the earliest possible date - at least one month prior to the grant deadline. At this time you should provide them with the following information:

  • Grant title
  • Granting Agency and Institute
  • Submission deadline
  • RFA or PA number and/or web site (if applicable)
  • Website with grant preparation instructions (for non NIH grants)
  • Will the grant include subcontracts?

You will work with the grants administrators to determine a timeline for the submission of other critical components of the grant application. These may include:

  • Budget and budget justification
  • Key personnel
  • Abstract
  • NIH sections E & F (human and animal research subjects)
  • Subcontract materials
  • Consultant agreements
  • Research Plan

As of October 1, 2003, all new grants will be charged an administrative fee to help cover the Center's costs for grants administration, financial management, and other center operations that are not funded via regular overhead mechanisms. The administrative fee is equal to 5% of the total direct costs for the grant annually. This should appear as a line item under "Other Expenses" in your grant budget.

The full text of all grants submitted by the Martinos Center will be entered in a Center-wide electronic grants archive. Center Administration and the Principal Investigator only will have access to these documents. For more information see Grants Archive.

Non-Competing Renewals / Progress Reports

Non-competing renewals (progress reports) for NIH grants are generally due three months prior to the start of the new budget year. Martinos Center investigators will receive a reminder from the Center grants administrators regarding non-competing renewals at least one month prior the deadline. A consult with Mary Roy should be arranged immediately.

A copy of the full text of the non-competing renewal should be submitted to the Center grants administrators for archiving.

NIH Grants Policy Statement

The NIH Grants Policy Statement is viewable here.

Last Modified: Monday, 15-Feb-2021 22:15:52 PST