Neuroscience for Everyone 11/29

Hi all,

Join us this Thursday (29 November 2018) for our last major event of the quarter! Our Neuroscience for Everyone will be held from 6:00 to 7:30 PM that evening in BAG 154, and we will be hosting three speakers to discuss the topic: the animal use in research, especially neuroscience research.
The speakers are:
Sally Thompson-Iritani – DVM/PhD, director of Animal Welfare & Research Support + Associate Director of WaNPRC

Jane Sullivan – PhD, Chair of IACUC
Greg Horwitz – PhD, director of UW Horwitz Lab, member of Neuroscience Division WaNPRC, + associate professor in Physiology & Biophysics.

We will begin this public event by asking the speakers a list of questions pre-submitted by club members, and then will open questions to the audience. We ask that questions are polite and considerate of others in attendance, as this can be a contentious topic.

We hope to see you there!

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