Neuroscience for Everyone 3/07/19

Hello all,
We are excited to announce our Neuroscience for Everyone event for this quarter: Understanding Autism! It will take place on Thursday, March 7th from 6:30 to 8 pm in PCAR 395.

Our speakers are Dr. Tanya St. John, PhD, and Dr. Natasha Lewis Harrington, PsyD. Dr. St. John is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Research Scientist at the UW Autism Center. Her career is dedicated to understanding autism with an emphasis on toddlers and children. Dr. Harrington is a post-doctoral psychologist, also working at the UW Autism Center. Autistic herself, she works as an advocate in the neurodiversity movement, calling for increased autism acceptance and the validation of autism-positive identity.

We will open the event with introductions by the speakers, after which we will ask them several pre-drafted questions to get a conversation started. Then, we will open the discussion to the audience, so that you can ask questions as well! This talk will be an exciting, highly informative opportunity to learn more about autism, not only in terms of the neuroscience behind it but also the important social and dimensions. We hope to see you there!

Neurobiology Club Officer Board

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