The Joseph Mathia Svoboda Diaries

Our project is now engaged in preparing for publication a portion of the diaries kept by Joseph Mathia Svoboda from about 1861-62 to 1908. We have made digital copies of 15 diaries held by the Makiya family and have digital images of unpublished transcriptions of 31 other Joseph Mathia diaries made by Margaret Makiya during the 1970s. The original diaries from which Mrs. Makiya made her transcriptions are located in the National Manuscript Center in Baghdad but have been unavailable to us because of inventory work being done at the Center. As we prepare individual diaries for publication, they will be made available on this page. What you see now are just unedited draft examples of what will constitute a rich and varied story about life in Iraq during the second half of the 19th century.

Electronic version of Joesph Svoboda's Diary 47
OTAP Tagging Team Encoding
Joseph Svoboda's Journal number 47 as photographed and transcribed by OTAP

Page 03

1894 Nov Light N.W. & fine weather
at 8am I came on board the
steamer, finished Alexander's
letter to be posted today ;
I sent it to the Post Office and
had it registered, also wrote one
to Pezooki Korkis London
of yesterday's date. At 10 1/2
went home & had my breakfast
& returned at 12 1/2.
We shipped a good deal of local
cargo & finished at 4 pm
All the cabins are engaged.
The river is slomdelite[illegible].
At 5 pm I went to my house
the carpenter had finished
his works I paid him for
4 days.
I went over to Sister Medula
to dine with her; & while
there I received a letter from
my son Alexander by
the Damascus Post which