Printable Version

The materials on this site are examples only and should not be confused with the actual printable texts, which will be appearing in the next few weeks.

Our print on demand publication of the Travel Journal [Bagdad to Paris: 1897] is now available from the following sources:

  1. Europe from the American Book Center (ABC) in Amsterdam and can be ordered on line from the following URL here
  2. U.S. from the University Book store online from the following URL: here

Epub: Departure from Baghdad and Farewells
  1. Download the epub. [Epub]
    • Save the file to your desktop.
  2. Go to
  3. On the MagicScroll website, click "+Add a Book to Your Library" and then "Choose File"
  4. Locate to your Desktop and file the epub. (Example: svodiary.epub)
  5. Finally click on the new book in the MagicScroll website and you're ready to go.