The noise exposure and hearing conservation research described
on this site has been conducted by the following University of Washington
staff and faculty:
Noah S. Seixas, PhD, CIH; Professor
Principal investigator on studies examining noise exposure and hearing
loss among construction apprentices and noise exposure and hearing protection
device use among construction workers. Research interests include exposure
assessment methods for occupational and epidemiologic studies, and modeling
exposure-response relationships
Bill Daniell, MD, MPH; Associate professor
Principal investigator on studies examining hearing conservation program
status in 10 different industries in Washington state and hearing loss
claims and associated costs among Washington state workers. Research interests
include occupational medicine and epidemiology, noise-induced hearing
loss, use of workers' compensation data for guiding interventions, and
neuro-psychological sequelae of solvent/pesticide exposure.
Sue Swan, MS, CIH; Research industrial hygienist
Investigator on studies examining hearing conservation program status
in 10 different industries in Washington state and hearing loss claims
and associated costs among Washington state workers. Research interests
include hearing conservation training effectiveness, behavioral aspects
of hearing conservation, and noise exposure assessment in various occupational
Rick Neitzel, MS, CIH; Research scientist
Investigator on studies examining noise exposure and hearing loss among
construction apprentices and noise exposure, hearing protection device
use among construction workers, and noise exposure among forestry workers.
Research interests include noise exposure assessment in various occupational
settings and effects of combined exposure to noise and other ototoxic
agents. |