
Peer-Reviewed Articles

Implementing Value-Based Payment Reform: A Conceptual Framework and Case Examples
Douglas A. Conrad, Matthew Vaughn, David Grembowski, and Miriam Marcus-Smith

Designing Smarter Pay-for-Performance Programs
Aaron McKethan, Ashish K. Jha

Emerging Lessons from Regional and State Innovation in Value-Based Payment Reform: Balancing Collaboration and Disruptive Innovation
Douglas A. Conrad, David Grembowski, Susan E. Hernandez, Bernard Lau, and Miriam Marcus-Smith

The failure of financial incentive? The seemingly inexorable rise of cesarean section.
Chin-Shyan Chen, Tsai-Ching Liu, Bradley Chen, and Chung-Liang Lin

A Conceptual Model of the Role of Complexity in the Care of Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions.
David Grembowski, Judith Schaefer, Karin Johnson, Henry Fischer, Susan Moore, Ming Tai-Seale, Richard Ricciardi, James Fraser, Donald Miller, and Lisa LeRoy.

Advances in Multi-Payer Alignment: State Approaches to Aligning Performance Metrics across Public and Private Payers.
Tricia McGinness and Jessica Newman

Reliable in their failure: An analysis of healthcare reform policies in public systems.
Damien Contandriopoulos and Astrid Brousselle

The PROMETHEUS Bundled Payment Experiment: Slow Start Shows Problems In Implementing New Payment Models
Peter S. Hussey, M. Susan Ridgely, and Meredith B. Rosenthal

Value-Based Purchasing: The Evidence
Gloria N. Eldridge and Holly Korda

Payment Incentives and Integrated Care Delivery: Levers for Health System Reform and Cost Containment
Holly Korda and Gloria N. Eldridge

Pay-for-performance in disease management: a systematic review of the literature
Simone R. de Bruin, Caroline A. Baan, and Jeroen N. Struijs

Systematic review: Effects, design choices, and context of pay-for-performance in health care
Pieter Van Herck, Delphine De Smedt, Lieven Annemans, Roy Remmen, Meredith B. Rosenthal, and Walter Sermeus

The effect of financial incentives on the quality of health care provided by primary care physicians
Anthony Scott, Peter Sivey, Driss Ait Ouakrim, Lisa Willenberg, Lucio Naccarella, John Furler, and Doris Young

Payment Reform
Irene Fraser, William Encinosa, and Laurence Baker

Reforming Payments to Healthcare Providers: The Key to Slowing Healthcare Cost Growth While Improving Quality?
Mark McClellan

Health Care Spending and Quality in Year 1 of the Alternative Quality Contract
Zirui Song, Dana Gelb Safran, Bruce E. Landon, Yulei He, Randall P. Ellis, Robert E. Mechanic, Matthew P. Day, and Michael E. Chernew

Effect of financial incentives on incentivised and non-incentivised clinical activities: longitudinal analysis of data from the UK Quality and Outcomes Framework
Tim Doran, Evangelos Kontopantelis, Jose M. Valderas, Stephen Campbell, Martin Roland, Chris Salisbury, and David Reeves

Implementing Accountable Care Organizations: Ten Potential Mistakes and How to Learn From Them
Sara Singer and Stephen M. Shortell

Patient-centered medical home cost reductions limited to complex patients
Thomas Flottemesch, Louise Anderson, Leif Solberg, Patricia Fontaine, and Stephen Asch

Emergency Department Visits for Nonurgent Conditions: Systematic Literature Review
Lori Uscher-Pines, Jesse Pines, Arthur Kellermann, Emily Gillen, and Ateev Mehrotra

The Oregon ACO Experiment - Bold Design, Challenging Execution
Eric C. Stecker


News and Other Articles

Editorial: Patient-Centered Medical Home for High-Risk Children with Chronic Illness
James M. Perrin, MD

A Burning Platform and Trust: Key Ingredients for Payment Reform
Bailit Health Purchasing LLC

Making the Business Case for Payment and Delivery Reform
Harold D. Miller

First Steps in Engaging Employers in Innovative Strategies: Lessons from Wisconsin
American Institutes for Research

Measuring and Assigning Accountability for Healthcare Spending: Executive Summary
Center for Healthcare Qualty and Payment Reform

Integrating Physical and Behavior Health: Strategies for Overcoming Legal Barriers to Health Information Exchange
Manatt Health Solutions

Bundled Payments: Toward A Challenging Yet Better Place
Michael Painter

Bundled Payment Across the U.S. Today: Status of Implementations and Operational Findings
Michael W. Painter, Megan E. Burns, and Michael H. Bailit

Reform in Action: Can Implementing Patient-Centered Medical Homes Improve Health Care Quality?
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Promising Payment Reform: Risk-Sharing with Accountable Care Organizations
Suzanne F. Delbanco, Kristine Martin Anderson, Catherine Eikel Major, Mary Beth Kiser, and Brynnan Wammack Toner

Key Design Elements of Shared-Savings Payment Arrangements
Michael Bailit and Christine Hughes

Transitioning to Accountable Care: Incremental Payment Reforms to Support Higher Quality, More Affordable Health Care
Harold D. Miller

Payment Reform: Analysis of Models and Performance Measurement Implications
Eric C. Schneider, Peter S. Hussey, and Christopher Schnyer

New payment models could rein in healthcare costs
Dina Overland

Medicare Physician Payment: It's Time for Real Reform
Stuart Guterman

Regional Health Improvement Collaboratives: Essential Elements for Successful Healthcare Reform
Jewish Healthcare Foundation

ACOs: Making Sure We Learn from Experience
Elliott Fisher and Stephen Shortell

Consumers' and Providers' Responses to Public Cost Reports, and How to Raise the Likelihood of Achieving Desired Results
Ateev Mehrotra, Peter S. Hussey, Arnold Milstein, and Judith Hibbard

Off the Hamster Wheel? Qualitative Evaluation of a Payment-Linked Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Pilot
Asaf Bitton, Gregory R. Schwartz, Elizabeth E. Stewart, Daniel E. Henderson, Carol A. Keohane, David W. Bates, and Gordon D. Schiff


Other Resources

All Aboard: Engaging Self-Insured Employers in Multi-Payer Reform
Kristof Stremikis

California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative

Transforming Maternity Care: A Bundled Payment Approach
Sarah Lally

Summary of Act 48 (2011) of the Vermont Legislature

Facilitators and Barriers to Payment Reform: Market-based, governmental, organizational, and design considerations.
Bailit Health Purchasing, LLC.

State Policies on Provider Market Power
Suzanne Delbanco and Shaudi Shabbaz

Aligning Payers and Practices to Transform Primary Care: A Report from the Multi-State Collaborative
The Milbank Memorial Fund

The Innovation Center Webinar: Testing Reforms with Rigor and Speed
The Commonwealth Fund and AcademyHealth

Using Comparative Effectiveness Research to Pay Equally for Equivalent Outcomes: An Evaluation of a Multi-Stakeholder Effort Focused on Prostate Cancer Treatments
Institute for Clinical and Economic Review