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Indications For Space Maintenance Therapy
Space Maintainers: Indications For Space Maintenance
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 Chapter Contents
Table of Contents
Space Maintainers: Types And Indications
Appliance Construction
Long-term Evaluation And Significance
Photo Bank: Space Management

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Page 24

The following section of the space maintainer chapter is focused on the various indications for space maintenance therapy.

As you have gathered by now, there are numerous types of space maintainers. Each different space maintainer is used in different clinical situations.

We will review an array of different clinical situations relating to space maintenance therapy and give our recommendations for each of these situations. Hopefully, going through these clinical exercises will result in an understanding of when space maintenance is indicated and what type or types of space maintainers might be used. We will attempt to cover virtually every generic type of clinical situation requiring space maintenance therapy which clinicians will encounter in the primary and mixed dentitions.

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