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Indications For Space Maintenance Therapy
Space Maintainers: Indications For Space Maintenance
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 Chapter Contents
Table of Contents
Space Maintainers: Types And Indications
Appliance Construction
Long-term Evaluation And Significance
Photo Bank: Space Management

Atlas Information

Page 51

This photograph demonstrates two maxillary fixed unilateral space maintainers. A band and loop space maintainer is shown on the patient's right side and a crown and loop space maintainer is shown on the left. The choice of whether to use a band and loop appliance or a crown and loop appliance will depend partly on the restorative needs of the underlying teeth. As mentioned earlier in the chapter, it also is acceptable to use a band and loop space maintainer over a stainless steel crown. Please note, once again, in this photograph the maxillary left first permanent molar is in the dynamic eruption phase.

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