Program for Education and Research in Latin America

The Program in Education and Research in Latin America (PERLA) facilitates short (6-8 weeks), medium (3-4 months), and long-term (1-2 years) research training exchanges between the UW and Peru. Our NIH-funded research training grants support long-term training of UW and Peruvian doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows in Peru in diverse areas affecting health, ranging from specific medical conditions such as HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, tuberculosis and cerebrovascular diseases, to more global issues, such as reproductive health, impact of the built environment upon health, One Health, and climate change.

Explore our programs and to discover other ways to get involved with improving the health and well-being of Latin American people.

Our Main Programs in Latin America:

Global Health Fellowship

A 12-month clinical research training program for post-doctorate trainees and doctoral students in the health professions with training sites in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Cameroon, Peru, Thailand, and India.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Be a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States or our seven collaborating countries.
  • Have completed an advanced degree or training program (medical residency/fellowship) within the last three years
  • If in medical school currently, at least third year, have previous research experience, fluency in country of application, and have clear research interest

Currently Accepting Applications!

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ICTuS: Interdisciplinary Cerebrovascular
Diseases Training Program in South America

The ICTuS research training program is designed to support Peruvian neurologists and related health professionals in the development of research and clinical care skills to enhance knowledge and care in the field of cerebrovascular diseases in Peru. The overarching goal of ICTuS is to reduce morbidity and mortality of cerebrovascular disease in Peru.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Peruvian nationality
  • Education of doctoral or post-doctoral level
  • Previous experience and commitment to clinical cerebrovascular diseases research
  • Good command of English language if applying for Seattle training

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Kuskaya Fellowship


A 12-month project for post-doctorate level or terminal degree (Master's or PhD) students in Peru. The training program and research project covers topics including leadership, implementation science, health sciences, business models, policy analysis, biotechnology, bioengineering, and international affairs in Peru with participants from a participating Peruvian Universities. Fogarty KUSKAYA Fellows will be mentored through the presentation and publication of their research projects. At the end of the Fellowship, Fellows will present their projects.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Post-doctoral or terminal-year graduate student
  • United states or Peruvian resident or citizen
  • Interest in exploring and addressing broad socioeconomic, political, and technological aspects of disease prevention and management in Peru
  • Proficient written and spoken Spanish and English

Application Due: February 10, 2017

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PARACAS: Program for Advanced Research
Capacities for AIDS in Peru

PARACAS addresses the challenges of providing long term and sustainable care to HIV/AIDS patients beyond the provision of antiretroviral treatment. PARACAS trains outstanding early career researches in innovative disciplines best suited for the scientific objectives of implementation science and socio-behavioral sciences. PARACAS trainees will contribute to expanding the scientific workforce of Peru, catalyzing existing resources in order to contribute to the improved health of populations living with HIV/AIDS.


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