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Weidner, Liz

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Weidner, Liz

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 4 (2008) Comments Off on Weidner, Liz

This crazy dancer grew up in a suburban cesspool called Woodinville Washington, which despite it’s name is very developed and not all that woody. In signing up for Pre-MAP I plan to prove that the Millennium Falcon CAN make the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs. My actual interest in astronomy started much before my first run with star wars; at the age of six I went on a trip up through the wilderness of Alaska; when we camped out for the night the stars were so bright, exponentially more so then back in the continental states. For the first time I could make out constellations and see the milky way, not to mention the northern lights. Besides camping with bears and vague Star Wars based trivia my favorite things include old western movies staring Clint Eastwood, earl gray tea, early mornings, classic rock music and math problems.

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