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Skinner, Allison

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Skinner, Allison

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 9 (2013) Comments Off on Skinner, Allison

Hi! I’m Allison, a new transfer student here at UW planning on majoring in Anthropology and Astronomy. I’m originally from just outside of Rocket City (Huntsville, Alabama) and moved to Bellevue, WA, a few years ago. While I’ve worked in IT for the past ten years, I’ve always loved science so when I decided to change careers that’s the direction I headed. I’d like to eventually go into astrophysics research and am currently also working on a research and digital transcription project for the diaries of Emma B. Anderson. I spent most of my (very little) free time reading historical/science non-fiction and scifi/fantasy novels, playing World of Warcraft, learning how to cook awesome gluten-free food, being ridiculous on tumblr, and napping.

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