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Larson, Samantha

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Larson, Samantha

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 9 (2013) Comments Off on Larson, Samantha

I am a freshman, Class of 2017, at University of Washington with a general interest in everything science. The Seattle area has always been my hometown, and in all the years I’ve lived here, I’ve never been bored. My love of science fiction (Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and far too many books to name) has led me towards astronomy, and more specifically, astrobiology. Outside of the science field I am an extreme jazz enthusiast- I play the alto saxophone and frequent jazz spots all throughout the Seattle area. The Pre-MAP class is a fantastic opportunity for me, and all other individuals with even the slightest interest in astronomy or research, to further my astronomical knowledge as well as partake in exciting research as an undergraduate student.

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