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Gross, Jacob

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Gross, Jacob

January 15, 2016      In Cohort 10 (2014) Comments Off on Gross, Jacob

Hi, my name is Jacob Gross and I am a freshman at UW, I am hoping to dual major in Physics and Astronomy. I have been interested in Physics and Astronomy for about two years now since I heard about a four star system with a planet between the second and third star. I am hoping to become a theoretical astrophysicist later on in life. I have lived in seven places so far spanning from Arkansas to Pennsylvania. My last home was Tacoma, Washington before moving up to UW. During my spare time, I like to watch a lot of Star Trek, play Dungeons and Dragons, and read up on new Astronomy topics. I can’t wait to start the research part of ASTR 192 and to learn about some amazing facts about our universe.

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