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Pargiter-Hatem, Tessa

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Pargiter-Hatem, Tessa

October 18, 2017      In Cohort 13 (2017) Comments Off on Pargiter-Hatem, Tessa

Hey! My name is Tessa Pargiter-Hatem. I am a sophomore transfer student from The New School in New York City, but am originally from Aspen, Colorado. I am planning on double majoring in Astronomy and Physics. My passion for astronomy began when I was around 8 years old and my mom was telling me all her stories of listening to and watching the moon landings from when she around 8 years old and how much of an accomplishment it was for the world. From that point on, I have always loved reading books and watching movies related to space and after taking a high school astronomy class, I knew I wanted to pursue it; now I have the chance! Besides learning all about astronomy, my hobbies include skiing, mountain unicycling, and photography.

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