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Daniel Piacitelli

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Daniel Piacitelli

October 23, 2018      In Cohort 14 (2018) Comments Off on Daniel Piacitelli

Hi! My name is Daniel Piacitelli, I am from Gig Harbor, Washington and I am currently a freshman. My passion for astronomy sparked as early as I could lay in my backyard on a heap of blankets staring up at the stars with my family. Little did I know that the simple amazement I felt watching those countless twinkling lights would foster a lifelong passion. In high school I began working at the Pacific Science Center as part of a teen program called Discovery Corps. This program allowed me to taste test a multitude of sciences but, while each intrigued me, nothing could compare to the awe that Astronomy and Physics consistently brought me. Besides astronomy, I have a passion for sustainability, video games, Netflix, and the outdoors.

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