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Cohort 12 (2016) Seminar

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Pre-MAP 2016

Welcome to Pre-MAP 2016, Cohort 12! Class will be on Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 11-12:00pm in the 3rd floor computer lab of the Physics and Astronomy building (room number TBA).


I’m Brett Morris, the instructor of Pre-MAP 2016. You can learn more about my research on my website.

Office hours this quarter with Brett will be Monday 2-3pm and Thursday 3-4pm in PAB B337.

Academic Mentor

The course Academic Mentor is Diana Windemuth. The Academic Mentor is an additional resource for you to use throughout this entire academic year (including the winter and spring quarters, after the Pre-MAP class is over). Diana will hold her own office hours to be available to help you with homework, research, selecting courses, and in-class assignments, and she will be present at many of the in-class exercises. The Academic Mentor is around to help you with anything you may want to talk about. Don’t wait to take advantage of this excellent resource!

Office hours with Diana will be Monday and Wednesday from 12:30-1:30pm in PAB B329.

Course Overview

Pre-MAP can roughly be broken up into two halves. In the first half, we’ll equip you with the skills you need to start working on an astronomical research project. These skills include programming in Python, and critical reading and writing of science literature. Then in the second half of the course, you’ll work in small groups with a research mentor and a class partner on a guided research project. There will also be professional development talks on Fridays, and social events and lab tours throughout the quarter.

Here is the course syllabus.

Course Materials

The Python lessons will be taught from instructional iPython Notebooks (no textbook required!) which can be found on our GitHub page. These notebooks will be saved there as a permanent programming reference for you.

There are also many freely available textbooks on programming in Python, which you could optionally use for Python help (no readings will be assigned from these books). Take a look at this webpage’s free Python texts labeled “beginner” for supplemental texts that might be useful programming references appropriate for this course. Three reference texts that I recommend include Learn Python the Hard Way (which isn’t actually hard!), A Byte of Python, and A Whirlwind Tour of Python (written by a former UW astro grad student).


Lab tours:

  • Thursday, Nov 3rd: Hyak computing facility. Meet at the UW Tower at 3:00 pm
  • Thursday, Nov 10: Atmospheric Sciences. Meet at the computer lab at 2:45pm
  • Tuesday, Nov 15: Riffel Lab. Meet at the computer lab at 4:45pm
  • Monday, Nov 21: Primate Research Center. Meet at the computer lab at 4:45pm
Week Monday Wednesday Friday
1 No class Sep 28
Introduction to Pre-MAP
Assignment: Writing 1Schedule Poll
Sep 30
Winter Enrollment,
Pre-MAP Field Trips,
Computer Set-Up
2 Oct 3
Intro to Unix
Oct 5
Intro to Unix
Due: Writing 1
Oct 7
Research mentor project pitches
Assignment: Writing 2
3 Oct 10
Python: Calculations
Assigned: Code 1
Oct 12
Python: Numpy
Due: Code 1
: Code 2
Oct 14
Python: Numpy
Due: Code 2
Assigned: Code 3
4 Oct 17
Python: Control flow
Due: Code 3
Assigned: Code 4
Oct 19
Python: Control flow
Due: Code 4
Assigned: Code 5
Oct 21
Guest talk:
Career Paths in Astro
(Nick Hunt-Walker)
Due: Code 5
AssignedWriting 3
5 Oct 24
Python: Control flow
Assigned: Code 6
Oct 26
Python: Plotting
Due: Code 6
Oct 28
Guest talk:
Applying to REUs (Grace Telford)
6 Oct 31
Python: Fitting
Nov 2
Start research
with mentors!
Nov 4
7 Nov 7
Nov 9
Nov 11
No class
(Veterans Day)
8 Nov 14
Nov 16
Nov 18
9 Nov 21
Nov 23
Nov 25
No class
10 Nov 28
Guest talk:
Public Speaking
(Monica Cortes Viharo)
Nov 30
Dec 2
11 Dec 5
Dec 7
Dec 9
Last day of class