A Phase 1/2 Study of a Group Model of Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy for Cancer-Related Anxiety in Patients with Metastatic Cancer
Why We Are Doing This Study
Psilocybin-assisted therapy is a new treatment for anxiety, depression and demoralization related to being diagnosed with cancer that cannot be cured. In most prior studies, people with cancer were treated in individual sessions with 2 therapists. In this study, we are testing a group model of psilocybin-assisted therapy, using groups of 4-8 people. The psilocybin session will happen at a 3 day retreat at Harmony Hill, a rustic retreat center about 2 hours from Seattle.
Although psilocybin was identified as a Schedule 1 drug in 1970, a new wave of studies beginning in the early 1990s demonstrates that psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy works differently than existing antidepressants, and the results are promising. But psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy is not yet FDA approved for any indication.
About Your Safety
The organizations that safeguard anyone participating in this study — the FDA and the University of Washington IRB – have given us their approval. In addition, we are aware that our responsibility includes confidentiality: your identity as a study participant, or even someone who was just inquiring, is protected to the maximum degree possible. Finally, the psilocybin in this study is synthesized by the Filament Health as a pharmaceutical grade medication.
Are You Eligible?
We have designed a brief online screener that will ask you key questions related to exclusion and inclusion criteria for the study. This website does not record your answers, or your anything about your identity, but it does count the number of times someone looks at the questions. If your answers indicate that you might be eligible, you will see an email address that you can use to contact us.
You can read all the exclusion and inclusion criteria, and about the study procedures in the consent form. The study is also listed on clinicaltrials.gov.
Who is Funding This?
The Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation is funding the study. Filament Health is providing the pharmaceutical-grade psilocybin.
If you have a question about the study or want to contact the investigators, please email us.

Anthony Back MD

Bonnie McGregor PhD

Leslie Lazar Thorn BA