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web Portfolio


Molecular & Cellular Biology Website


This website was implemented using the Drupal CMS.

Client: Molecular & Cellular Biology Contact Us to Learn More

Faculty Directory

Molecular & Cellular Biology Website

Faculty and students in the MCB department can login to the website using their UW NetID. From there, they are able to create their profiles and share their work with the community. The CMS automatically adds their profiles to the searchable directory.

Client: Molecular & Cellular Biology Contact Us to Learn More

Areas of Interest

Molecular & Cellular Biology Website

All user-created content is tagged with a specific area of interest. The CMS is able to gather all of the different content types (like pages, user profiles, events, and news) and display them on a single page.

Client: Molecular & Cellular Biology Contact Us to Learn More

Trauma Handbook


Client: Harborview Trauma Center Contact Us to Learn More

Trauma Handbook

Chapter Index

Client: Harborview Trauma Center Contact Us to Learn More

Trauma Handbook


Client: Harborview Trauma Center Contact Us to Learn More
Finance and Facilities

Finance and Facilities


Client: Finance and Facilities Contact Us to Learn More
Finance and Facilities

Finance and Facilities / Treasury Office


Client: Treasury Office Contact Us to Learn More
Finance and Facilities

Finance and Facilities / Student Fiscal Services


Client: Student Fiscal Services Contact Us to Learn More
Northwest Center to Reduce Oral Health Disparities

Northwest Center to Reduce Oral Health Disparities - Drupal


Client: School of Dentistry Contact Us to Learn More
Northwest Center to Reduce Oral Health Disparities

Northwest Center to Reduce Oral Health Disparities - Drupal

Links Page

Client: School of Dentistry Contact Us to Learn More
UW Press

University of Washington Press - Books Database


Client: UW Press Contact Us to Learn More
UW Press

University of Washington Press - Books Database

Search Page

Client: UW Press Contact Us to Learn More
UW Press

University of Washington Press - Books Database

Book Results Page

Client: UW Press Contact Us to Learn More

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