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Culture, Food Security, and Income

Some resources are listed below. You may know of additional resources in your community. To share these with other providers, post information to the message board: or send a summary via email to (You will need to register with Catalyst the first time you sign on to the message board.)

Resources posted by First Steps RDs
Related to food security
Related to culture
Related to income


Related to Food Security

A summary of Federal food assistance programs, and links is included on this website:

The Family Food Line is a resource hotline for families in Washington State. It is a project of WithinReach (formerly Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies) and can connect families with local programs and resources. WithinReach provides information and referral for social and health services across Washington State, including health insurance, prenatal resources, nutrition and food resources, breastfeeding, immunization, family planning, child care, children with special needs, child development, and parent/sibling support.

The Seattle Community Network lists food-related resources in the Seattle area.

TEFAP Commodity Fact Sheets with Recipes provides information about the that are available through the Commodity Food Program.

Related to Culture

Ethnomed - a resource from Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, WA – resource from Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, WA

Culture Clues - these tip sheets for clinicians that are designed to increase awareness about concepts and preferences of patients from the diverse cultures served by University of Washington Medical Center.

National Center for Cultural Competence at Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities – website includes models, definitions, and self-assessment tools.

The Provider’s Guide to Quality and Culture - a self-study module for health care professionals.

Ohioline - Food - features materials for professionals and families, including "Cultural Diversity - Eating in America" profiles for several ethnic groups

Cultural Food Pyramids/Complementary Nutrition Archives - Cultural food pyramids created by the Southeastern Michigan Dietetic Association -

University of Chicago Hospital Academy’s Cultural Tapestry Guides - an overview of 18 different cultures including interpersonal preferences, preferences in decision making, meaning of gestures, medical treatment preferences, important holidays. To access, click in sequence: Library, Academy Connect Library, Cultural Diversity, Tapestry Card Collection


Related to Income

Eastside Baby Corner - a nonprofit organization operated out of Issaquah, WA. Eastside Baby Corner collects items used by children from birth to age twelve and distributes them to service providers (shelters, food banks, public health nurses, social workers, and others).

Communication Across Barriers – A website that includes resources about generational poverty -

aha! Process, Inc. -


Related to Culture

Cross Cultural Health Care – Case Studies
Developed by the MCHB-funded Pediatric Pulmonary Centers, this online learning module includes core concepts of, and four cross-cultural health care case studies. The material also includes links to websites with information on specific cultures.

National Center for Cultural Competence at the Georgetown University Child Development Center
This MCHB-funded center provides training, networking, and product development and dissemination. The website includes a variety of documents, resources (including self-assessment checklists for individuals, programs, and agencies) and links to other organizations.

The EthnoMed website contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other related issues pertinent to the health care of recent immigrants to Seattle or the US, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn parts of the world.


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Last updated: 08/30/2007