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Postpartum and Breastfeeding

Changes in the Postpartum Period
General Diet Quality


Changes in the Postpartum Period

Recovering from Delivery - KidsHealth for Parents website, Nemours Foundation

Medline Plus- Childbirth


General Diet Quality

Congratulations, Mom. You have a beautiful baby - This brochure explains why folic acid is important even after childbirth and reminds new mothers to take a multiple vitamin with folic acid every day. Tips on postpartum self-care, such as getting enough rest; finding time to relax; and eating a healthy, varied diet are presented. The brochure is available in English ( and Spanish (

Be a Healthy Mom

Healthy Choices for Kids

Eat Better, Eat Together materials, including brochures: 10 Tips for Quality Family Meals, Family Meals with Growing Children, Healthful Meals. Available from Washington State University, Nutrition Education:

A Lifetime of Good Health: Your guide to staying healthy – Information for women about healthy behaviors to prevent and manage many health conditions. Available in English, Spanish and Chinese.



Community Resources

Local resources can include agencies and area hospitals; contact the postpartum unit or public health department.


  • Seattle Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center Resource Line (206) 987-2500
  • Providence Everett Medical Center Lactation Services (425-261-3744)
  • Evergreen Hospital Breastfeeding Hotline (425-899-3494)
  • University of Washington Medical Center Breastfeeding Hotline (206-598-4628)

Other agencies:

Information for Mothers

Breastfeeding - Best for Baby. Best for Mom. A website maintained by the National Women's Health Information Center, US Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.

Torgus J, Gotsch G, eds. 2004. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, 7th ed. Schaumburg, IL: La Leche League International. Available for order from:

Working & Breastfeeding..."It's Worth It!" contains information about the importance and benefits of breastfeeding, for both mothers and employers. From the Breastfeeding Coalition of Washington and WithinReach, available for order or online: . In English and Spanish.

Information for Professionals

Lawrence RA. 2005. Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession, 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book.

Briggs GG, Freeman RK, Yaffe SJ. 2005. Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation, 7th ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Hale TW. 2006. Medications and Mothers’ Milk, 12th ed. Hale Publishing, LP.

Riordan JM, KG. 2004. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, 3rd ed. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Medline Plus: Breastfeeding Website includes links to resources about breastfeeding

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Website includes guidelines for the care of breastfeeding mothers and infants; many of these guidelines are available in several languages. Topics include mastitis, including co-sleeping, hospital policies, milk storage, and galactogogues.

Shealy KR et al. CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions. Atlanta: US DHHS, CDC, 2005.” Online: (links to a pdf) – a website that includes continuing education opportunities, information about breastfeeding, and resources, including downloadable materials for families and information about medications and lactation - intended for mothers, this website includes information, graphics, and video about positioning, latch-on, and other practical issues related to breastfeeding


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Last updated: 08/30/2007