Credits and Acknowledgments
This project was produced through the support of the Maternal and Child
Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, Grant #5T02-MC-00050-02-0
and Grant #T02 MC00004 from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Department
of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration.
The Pacific West MCH Distance Learning Network is a collaboration between
the Center
on Human Development and Disability at the University of Washington
and the C.H.I.L.D.
Center at the University of Southern California, Childrens Hospital
Los Angeles. The project's Advisory Group is made up of maternal and child
health and Title V nutritionists from the Pacific West Region.
This curriculum is also available on a CD-ROM. Visit the project website
for ordering information.
Content Development
Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD
Anne Bradford Harris, PhD, MPH, RD
Cristine Trahms, MS, RD, CD
Beth Ogata, MS, RD, CD
Curriculum Design
Beth Ogata, MS, RD, CD
Production and Distribution
Andrea Schlaerth, BA
Susan Greathouse, MPH, RD, LD
Oregon Department of Human Services, WIC Program
Betty Lucas, MPH, RD, CD
University of Washington, Center on Human Development and Disability
Diane Smith, MA, RD, LD
Oregon Health Science University, Child Development and Rehabilitation
Ralph Warren, PhD
University of Washington, Health Sciences Center for Educational Research
Sherilyn Wood, MEd
Institute for Child Health Policy
Field Testers
Advisory Group (2001)
Karon Felten, MS, RD
State Nutrition Specialist, Special Children's Clinic, Nevada Department
of Health, Reno, Nevada
Carolyn Gleason, MS, RD
Regional MCH/CSHCN Consultant, HRSA Seattle Field Office, Seattle, Washington
Suzanne Haydu, MPH, RD, MCH
Nutrition Consultant, Children's Medical Services Branch, California Department
of Health Services, Sacramento, California
Maria Nardella, MA, RD, CD
Nutrition Consultant, Washington State Department of Health, Office of
Children with Special Health Care Needs, Olympia, Washington
Judy Peterson, MS, RD
Nutrition Specialist, CHSP/WIC, Boise, Idaho
Lee Renda, BA
Team Leader for MCH - WIC Nutritionists, Arizona Department of Health
Services, Phoenix, Arizona
Diane Smith, MA, RD, LD
Nutrition Training Coordinator, Oregon Institute for Disability and Development,
Oregon Health Sciences Univeristy, Portland, Oregon
Margaret Tate, MS, RD
Chief, Office of Nutrition Services, Arizona Department of Health Services,
Phoenix, Arizona
Robyn Wong, MPH, RD, CSP
Public Health Nutritionist, Children with Special Health Care Needs Program,
Honolulu, Hawaii