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feeding skills and behaviors

assessment of feeding skills

influence of special health care needs

management of tube feedings

making clinical decisions


for more information

Age: 2-4 months


Oral-motor and self-feeding skills and behaviors

  • Corners of lips start to become active in sucking
  • Smacking lips
  • Head control increasing
  • Tongue protruding and mouth opening in anticipation of feeding
  • Visually recognizing bottle
  • Beginning to reach for objects


Appropriate positioning at this stage can include:

  • Supported semi-sitting position, at an angle of 45-90 degrees

Appropriate foods

  • Breastmilk or infant formula

You can view a video of feeding skills at the 2-4-month old stage here:

(These links will open a new browser window; close the window when you are finished viewing the video to return to this page.)

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