Meet Our ASAP! Clinical Staff

Amy Rodda

Amy is currently a trainer for the UW READi Lab's ASAP! Program and a speech language pathologist. Currently, Amy is also a doctoral student in Speech and Hearing Sciences at UW. Two things she loves about the READi Lab are its mission and her wonderfully talented and intelligent colleagues. Amy has always been especially interested in the social aspects of communication; thus, working with children with autism is a natural fit! Amy started out as an SLP because she loved the idea of being able to work individually or with small groups of children and making a big impact on quality of life. She is currently pursuing her PhD because she feels passionate about connecting clinical practices and research for "it is a symbiotic relationship, but sometimes things get out of balance when we are immersed in one side or the other. Optimally, research should be informing treatment, and treatment should be guiding our research". Amy has lived mostly in the Midwest-South Dakota, Rhode Island, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, and now Washington! In her spare time, she likes to run, ski, and camp with her husband, her very hyper schnoodle, and her friends. She also loves to bake!

If she could have one super power, it would be..."the ability to speak any language because I could travel anywhere and know how to communicate with everyone!"


Ashley Penney

Ashley is currently a trainer for the ASAP! Program, and a behavioral and educational consultant at the UW Autism Center. She received her M.Ed. in Special Education at the University of Washington with an emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis in 2009. Ashley has experience in early intervention, applied behavior analysis, challenging behaviors, supporting children with autism in a variety of educational settings and providing workshops and trainings. She became a board certified behavior analyst in 2009. She is also certified in Reciprocal Imitation Training (RIT), a naturalistic behavioral intervention for young children. Ashley has worked with children with autism for 10 years and began working in READi lab last year. Currently, she is also a doctoral student in Special Education at the University of Washington and is interested in early intervention for young children with autism, social development, and strategies that promote adult learning and continuing education. Ashley is originally from Seattle and loves running, reading, and spending time with her husband, family, and friends.

If she could have one super power, it would be... "able to apparate, like in Harry Potter."


Robin Talley

Robin is an instructor on the ASAP! Team at the UW READi Lab and a behavioral and educational consultant at the UW Autism Center. She has provided services to children with autism spectrum disorders since 1999. Robin received her M.Ed. and teaching license from the University of Washington in 2004 and became a board certified behavior analyst in 2005. She is also a certified Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) therapist. During graduate school, she completed her practicum training and student teaching at the Experimental Education Unit and worked as an ABA therapist at the UW Autism Center and in the home setting for a number of children with ASD. In 2006, Robin moved to Denver and began working at The Joshua School, a private school for children with ASD. While at the Joshua School, she created and directed an early intervention program and served as the educational director for the school-aged program. An interesting fact about Robin is that she has been with her husband since she was 14 years old!

If she could have one super power, it would be... "TIME TRAVEL!"


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