READi Lab Publications

Recent publications from the READi Lab team and collaborators (2013-present):

Damiano, C., Nahmias, A., Hogan-Brown, A.L., & Stone, W.L. (2013). What do repetitive and stereotyped movements mean for infant siblings of children with ASD? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43, 1326-1335. PMID: 23080207.

Gangi, D. N., Ibanez, L. V., & Messinger, D. S. (2013). Joint attention initiation with and without positive affect: Risk group differences and associations with ASD symptoms. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-013-2002-9.

Ibanez, L.V., Grantz, C. J., & Messinger, D. S. (2013). The development of referential communication and autism symptomatology in high-risk infants. Infancy, 18, 687-707. DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-7078.2012.00142.x.

Ibanez, L.V., Stone, W.L., & Coonrod, E.E. (2014).  Screening for autism in young children. In F.R. Volkmar, R. Paul, S.J. Rogers, & K.A. Pelphrey (Eds.), Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders (4th Ed): Vol. 2: Assessment, interventions, and policy (pp. 585-608). New York: Wiley.

Key, A.P.F.,  Ibanez, L.I., Henderson, H.A., Warren, Z., Messinger, D.S., & Stone, W.L. (2014). Positive affect processing and joint attention in infants at high risk for autism: An exploratory study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance online publication. PMID: 25056131. DOI:10.1007/s10803-014-2191-x.

Lieberman-Betz, R.G., Yoder, P., Stone, W.L., Nahmias, A.S., Carter, A.S., Celimli-Aksoy, S., & Messinger, D.S. (2014). An illustration of using multiple imputation versus listwise deletion analyses:  The effect of Hanen’s “More Than Words” on parenting stress. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 119, 472-486.

Malesa, E., Foss-Feig, J., Warren, Z., Yoder, P., Walden, T., & Stone, W.L. (2013). Predicting age 5 language and social outcomes for later-born siblings of children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism, 17, 558-570. DOI: 10.1177/1362361312444628.

Messinger, D., Young, G. S., Ozonoff, S., Dobkins, K., Carter, A., Zwaigenbaum, L., Landa, R.J., Charman, T., Stone, W.L., Constantino, J.N., Hutman, T., Carver, L.J., Bryson, S., Iverson, J.M., Strauss, M., Rogers, S.J., & Sigman, M. (2013).  Beyond ASD: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium study of high-risk siblings at three years of age. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 52, 300-308. PMID:23452686.

Nichols, C.M., Ibanez, L.V., Foss-Feig, J.H., & Stone, W.L. (2014). Social smiling and its components in high-risk infant siblings with and without later ASD symptomatology. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 44, 894-902. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-013-1944-2.

Perryman, T.Y., Carter, A.S., Messinger, D.S., Stone, W.L., Ivanescu, A.E., & Yoder, P. (2013). Brief Report: Parental child-directed speech as a predictor of receptive language in children with autism symptomatology. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43, 1983-1987. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-012-1725-3.

Siller, M., Morgan, L., Turner-Brown, L., Baggett, K.M., Baranek, G., Brian, J., Bryson, S., Carter, A., Crais, E., Estes, A., Kasari, C., Landa, R., Lord, C., Messinger, D., Mundy, P., Odom, S.L., Reznick, S., Roberts, W., Rogers, S., Schertz, H.H., Smith, I., Stone, W.L., Watson, L., Wetherby, A., Yoder, P., & Zwaigenbaum, L. (in press). Designing studies to evaluate parent-mediated interventions for toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Early Intervention.

Sullivan, K., Stone, W.L., & Dawson, G. (2014). Potential neural mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35, 2921-2932.

Swanson, A., Warren, Z., Stone, W.L., Vehorn, A., Dohrmann, E., & Humberd, Q. (2014). The diagnosis of autism in community practice settings: Does advanced training facilitate practice change? Autism, 18, 555-561. DOI:10.1177/13623613134811507.

Woynaroski, T.G., Kwakye, L.D., Foss-Feig, J.H., Stevenson, R.A., & Stone, W.L. (2013). Multisensory speech perception in high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43, 2891-2902. PMID: 23624833. DOI:10.1007/s10803-013-1836-5

Zwaigenbaum, L., Young, G.S, Stone, W.L., Dobkins, K., Ozonoff, S., Brian, J., Bryson, S., Carver, L., Constantino, J., Huttman, T., Iverson, J., Landa, R., & Messinger, D. (in press). Prospective evaluation of head growth in infants at risk of autism: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

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