SAFS Newsletter Masthead

Awards & Honors


Undergraduate Scholarship

Anne Wang was awarded a scholarship by the Bob & Eleanor Grant Trust. The Trust provides generous scholarships, potentially multi-year, for first-generation college students studying natural or environmental sciences or social science with an environmental focus.

14th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Each spring, the UW's Undergraduate Research Program hosts the Undergraduate Research Symposium, where students present what they have learned through their research experiences. The symposium enables students, faculty, and the community to discuss contemporary research topics and examine the connection between research and education.

This year, 20 SAFS undergraduates presented their work in poster and oral presentation sessions. For more on their work (including abstracts), see the Undergraduate Symposium's Aquatic & Fishery Sciences webpage.


Graduate Students

Degree track and faculty advisers in parentheses.

National Science Foundation Awards

It’s been a bumper crop for National Science Foundation awards this year.

Graduate Research Fellowships

Eleven graduate students in our PhD program received either an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship or an Honorable Mention. The NSF program “helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science and engineering in the United States and reinforces its diversity.” The high number of SAFS recipients testifies to the quality of our graduate program and to the aid provided by our generous supporters. The recipients for the 2011 awards are (advising professors in parentheses):

Graduate Awarded Prestigious Harvard Post-Doc

Chris Kenaley (PhD 2010; Pietsch) has been awarded a three-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology by the National Science Foundation. The focus area is “Intersections of Biology and Mathematical and Physical Sciences.” Chris will be working at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, conducting a biomechanical study of feeding in deep-sea fishes.



In April, Tim Essington was awarded a Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation for 2011. Only four of these fellowships are awarded annually to "outstanding global leaders who are working to preserve and protect the world’s oceans and marine species." Tim plans to use the award to study the economic value of catching squid and small ocean fish and compare that to the ecological and economic value of leaving them in the ocean where they can be eaten by larger fish, seabirds, and marine mammals.

This June, SAFS faculty Trevor Branch and Ray Hilbornand other authors of the Science 2009 article, Rebuilding Global Fisheries, became the recipients of the 2011 Sustainability Science Award, granted by the Ecological Society of America. Each year, this award is given to the authors of a peer-reviewed paper published in the past five years that makes the greatest contribution to the emerging science of ecosystem and regional sustainability by integrating ecological and social sciences. The Society was impressed with “how scientists of differing perspectives came together to integrate data, methods, and analysis to form a more consensual view.” For more on this article, see the Trevor Branch interview (this issue).



Jessica Roshan, Associate Administrator of Finance, was awarded the College of the Environment’s Distinguished Staff Member award for 2011. SAFS depends heavily on extra-mural support for its research and teaching missions, and Jessica has been instrumental in providing the leadership, training, and direct assistance needed to enable the faculty to operate competitively in this realm. Top