Lest you think all we do in my lab is mess around with magnets, I’m posting a few tweets with photos of today’s lab barbecue! Bonnie and I have an annual summer party for students, alums, and associates in our labs. Unfortunately, my camera is broken, so I have to rely on photos taken by Bonnie and her student Megan, at the links below. Geoduck! Grilled oysters with bacon! Chocolate Olympia oysters, ammonites, and trilobites! A good time was had by all.
The big reveal at the #beckerlab reunion. Chocolate #Olys, and more! pic.twitter.com/3ygYYS10vC
— Bonnie J. Becker (@pisastero) July 10, 2016
Annual Becker & Selkin lab party geoduck today!
Thanks @pisastero and @paselkin pic.twitter.com/FjZrw9HS2t— Megan Hintz (@BivalveFanatic) July 10, 2016