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AHA/ACC 2013 Heart Failure Guideline criteria (Class I or IIa).

Note that the ICD, BiV pacer, BiV pacer/ICD and LVAD fields are disabled if the patient criteria do not meet ACC/AHA criteria. The criteria for the devices are below;

BiV pacer
NYHA Class ≥ 3 and
EF ≤ 35% and
QRS duration ≥150 msec
or alternatively
LBBB and
NYHA Class ≥2

NYHA Class 2-3 and
EF ≤ 35%
or alternatively
Ischemic and
EF ≤ 30% and
NYHA Class 1

BiV Pacer/ICD
Same as BiV pacer

NYHA Class 4 and
EF ≤ 25% and
Mean 2 year survival ≤ 50%

If you want to see the effect in the model anyway, make the patient characteristics match the criteria, then click on the device you want, then set the patient criteria back to the original values. In this case, the device will still be selected, even though it is disabled.
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