OAM, Berlin :: Chinese ceramics

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  Images are arranged approximately in dynastic chronological order.
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Painted pottery figure of an attendant
Western Han Dynasty, 2nd c. BCE.
Inv. Nr.1993-41
Pottery vessel in animal shape
Late Western or early Eastern Jin Dynasty, 4th c. CE. Green glazed stoneware. Yue kilns, Zhejiang province.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 46
Chicken-headed ewer
Eastern Jin (317-420). Earthenware with gray-green glaze and ferruginous spots. Yue kilns, Zhejiang province. 21.5 cm.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 22
Inv. Nr. 1989-17
Southern dynasties or Sui, late 5th or 6th c. Green-glazed stoneware.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 68
Pilgrim bottle, bianhu type (detail)
Sui or early Tang Dynasties, late 6th or early 7th c. Green-glazed earthenware.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 24
Inv. Nr. 1958-6
Sui Dynasty, late 6th or early 7th c. White-glazed stoneware, Hebei province.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 80
Sui Dynasty (581-618). Sand-colored earthernware with light-green glaze over a white slip.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 21
ex-Fritz Blüthgen Coll.; Inv. Nr. 1958-8
Northern China, Sui or Tang Dynasties, 7th c. Olive-green glazed stoneware.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 74
Amphora with dragon-headed handles
Northern China, Tang Dynasty, 7th c. Stoneware with yellowish glaze.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 87
Ewer with phoenix handle
Tang Dynasty, 7th c. Sancai-glazed earthenware, Henan area.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 105
Tang Dynasty, 8th c. Amber-brown glazed pottery.
Inv. Nr. 1996-45
  Figure of a lady
Tang Dynasty, 1st half of 8th c. Sancai-glazed sand-colored clay. 60.3 cm.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 23 Inv. Nr. 1993-33
Earth spirit
Tang Dynasty, 7th or 8th c. Sancai-glazed pottery.
Inv. Nr. 1971-25
Tripod dish
Tang Dynasty, 8th c. Sancai-glazed earthenware. 29.3 cm.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 25
Inv. Nr. 1986-8
Northern China, Tang Dynasty, 8th or 9th c. Amber-glazed earthenware.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 106
Ewer with moulded decoration
Tang Dynasty, 9th c. Stoneware; Tongquan kilns, Changsha, Hunan Province. 18.7 cm.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 26
Inv. Nr. 1988-41
Ewer and cover.
Northern Song Dynasty, late 10th c. Stoneware with greenish glaze.
Inv. Nr. 1989-5
Funerary vase and cover
Northern Song Dynasty, 10th or 11th c. Green-glazed stoneware; Longquan kilns, Zhejiang Province.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 222
Incense burner
Northern Song Dynasty, 11th c. Stoneware with gray-green glaze; Yaozhou kilns, Shaanxi Province. 19.4 cm.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 29
Inv. Nr.1968-14
Headrest with incised characters fu (happiness) and de (virtue)
Northern Song Dynasty, 11th c. White-glazed stoneware; Cizhou kiln, Hebei Province.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 157
Bowl with carved lotus-spray decoration
Northern Song Dynasty, 11th-12th c. Green-glazed stoneware; Yaozhou kilns, Shaanxi Province
Inv. Dlg. 70-1989
Northern China; Northen Song or Jin Dynasties, 12th-13th c. Black-glazed stoneware.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 176
Ewer with fixed cover
Northern China, Liao Dynasty, 10th-11th c. Green-glazed earthernware.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 114
Northern China, Liao Dynasty, 11th-12th c. Yellowish-brown and green-glazed earthernware.
Inv. Nr.1979-1
Northern China, Liao Dynasty, 11th-12th c. Stoneware with polychrome glaze. 6.6 x 18.3 cm.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 28
Inv. Nr.1966-22
Headrest with landscape
Jin Dynasty, 12th-13th c. Brown-painted stoneware; Cizhou kiln, Hebei Province.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 30
Inv. Nr. 1966-30
Pear-shaped bottle
Northern China, Jin Dynasty, early 13th c. Splashed black-glazed stoneware.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 184
Tea bowl
Southern Song Dynasty, 12th c. Sand-colored body with dark brown glaze mottled with light brown and light blue fleck; Jizhou kiln, Jiangxi Province.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 194
Tea bowl with paper-cut design
Southern Song Dynasty, 12th c. Yellowish buff body with dark brown glaze and design of quatrefoil lotus motif; Jizhou kiln, Jiangxi Province.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 193
"Twin fish" dish
Southern Song Dynasty, 12th-13th c. Celadon-glazed stoneware; Longquan kilns, Zhejiang Province
Inv. Nr. Dlg. 69-1989
Water dropper
Southern Song Dynasty, 13th c. Qinghai-glazed stoneware, Jingdezhen kiln, Iangxi Province.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 208
Bowl with moulded decoration
Southern Song Dynasty, 13th c. Qinghai-glazed porcelain; Jingdezhen kilns, Jiangxi Province.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 207
Tripod incense burner
Song or Yuan Dynasties, 13th c. Grey body with thick green glaze; Longquan kilsn, Zhejiang Province.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 225
Water jar with floral design
Yüan Dynasty, 13th-14th c. Gray body with transparent glaze over white slip and sktechy flowers in iron brown; Cizhou kilns, Hebei Province.
Sammlung Yuegutang, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 172
Bowl with floral decoration
Ming Dynasty, early 15th c. Blue and white porcelain.
Inv. Nr. OAS 1959-59
Plate with grapevine design
Ming Dynasty, Yongle era (1403-1424). Blue and white porcelain.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 31
Inv. Nr. 1959-60
"Three friends" plate (bamboo, pine, prunus)
Ming Dynasty, early 15th century. Blue and white porcelain.
Inv. Nr. 1963-13
Brush washer
Ming Dynasty, Xuande Era (1426-1435). Blue and White porcelain.
Inv. Dlg. 43-1982
Stem cup with "three friends" design and a Tibetan inscription
Ming Dynasty, mid- to 2nd half of 15th c. Blue and White porcelain.
Inv. Nr. 1984-4
Tripod incense burner decorated with auspicios 3 rams design (chin, san, yang)
Ming Dynasty, Jiajing era, dated 1551.
Loan to MOK
Plate with figures and a landscape
Ming Dynasty, Wanli era, ca. 1600. Blue and White "Kraak" porcelain.
Inv. Nr. Dlg. OAS 6-1958
Stem cup of pierced work
Late Ming Dynasty, 1st quarter 17th c. Underglaze blue mark: "Da Ming Wanli nian zhi," i.e., made in the Wanli era of the Great Ming dynasty." Blue and White "early transitional style" porcelain with underglaze blue and enamel. 7.5 cm. This piece was inventoried in the collection of the Elector of Brandenburg in 1688-89.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 33
Inv. Nr. 6532
Plate with illustration of theme of "washing the elephant"
Second quarter of 17th c. Blue and White "transitional style" porcelain.
Inv. Nr. 1998-9
Bowl in shape of lotus leaf
Ming Dynasty, Tianqi to Chengzhen Periods, 1621-1644. Blue and white ko-sometsuke.
Schenkung Georg Weishaupt, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 24
Ming Dynasty, Tianqi to Chengzhen Periods, 1621-1644. Blue and white ko-sometsuke.
Schenkung Georg Weishaupt, Berlin, Kat. Nr. 17
Plate with dragon design
Late Ming Dynasty, ca. 1640. Blue and White "transitional style" porcelain.
Inv. Nr. Dlg. OAS 5-1958
Ovoid jar
Late Ming Dynasty, ca. 1640. Blue and White "transitional style" porcelain.
Inv. Nr. OAS ChK669a
Late Ming Dynasty, ca. 1640 (from a shipwreck of 1643). Blue and White "Kraak" porcelain.
Inv. Nr. 1993-1
Late Ming, Wanli era, ca. 1640. Blue and White "Kraak" porcelain.
Inv. Nr. KGM 03.122
  Wucai vase
Early Qing Dynasty, ca. 1650. "Transitional style" porcelain.
Inv. Nr. KGM 79.1120
Ewer with palmette-like motif
Qing Dynasty, late 17th c. Blue and White porcelain. Export piece for Islamic market.
Inv. Nr. KGM 00.25
Plate with flower basket
Qing Dynasty, Kangxi era (1662-1722). Blue and White porcelain.
Inv. Nr. 1959-2
Wucai jar with cover
Qing Dynasty, Kangxi era (1662-1722). Porcelain.
Inv. Nr. OAS ChK 709a,b
Two small cups with chrysanthemums and prunus, from a set of 12-month cups.
Qing Dynasty, Kangxi era (1662-1722). Blue and White porcelain.
Inv. Nr. OAS 1959-78, 81
Vase with lotus design
Qing Dynasty, Qianlong era (1736-1795). Blue and White porcelain.
Inv. Nr. OAS 1959-114
Pilgrim flask
Qing Dynasty, Qianlong era (1736-1795). Porcelain with underglaze blue and underglaze red.
Inv. Nr. Dlg. 72-1989
Qing Dynasty, Qianlong era (1736-1795). Blue and White porcelain.
Inv. Nr. KGM 79.1216
Small dish with dragon between waves
Qing Dynasty, Qianlong era (1736-1795). Porcelain with decoration i underglaze blue and iron-red.
Inv. Nr. OAS 1959-107